
Security Council’s Veto: A Necessity for World Stability

It all started when the United Nations was formed in 1945. The United States of America, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, and China were the victorious allies who came together to form the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. The problem here doesn’t lay in the power that’s provided to these nations […]


Security in the Contemporary World

Security is a concept that needs to be specified regarding the context it is used in. It implies the absence of or freedom from threats in its broadest sense. However, security can’t be as generalized as the act of eliminating threats or we would be engulfed in security issues as soon as we step out […]

MUN Others

How to MUN?

Model United Nations, a name that itself emerges from the United Nations, aims to find solutions to the real-life problems that are fundamentally resolved by the organisation named, United Nations. United Nations, founded in the year 1945, is an international organization that has the autonomy to take action on issues confronting humanity in the 21st […]