National Politics

Kingmakers of the Congress

The grand old party of India has come a long way, riding along the waves of splits, mergers, elections, riots, and everything that India witnessed post-INC’s inception in 1885. The party had a great contribution to the freedom struggle of India and hence achieved a majority once India became a sovereign nation. India after independence […]

Others Technology

The Dark Side of Google

Everything has a positive and a negative pole. Google, the technology giant, and the most popular internet search engine is no exception to this theory. Using the priority rank system, Google search returns information from millions of web pages in response to a user query. Google also provides an image-based search service, as well as […]

Climate Change International

A Review of climate change and the Paris agreement

The only thing that helps the earth to revolutionize is to change. Everyone has strived hard to bring a change in our society from common people to celebrities and politicians. The efforts of people for a major cause have never gone in vain. From taking baby steps to taking giant leaps; each step has influenced […]


Secular Atheism

“Demerits of a religion are nothing but misinterpretations of its teachings by its followers.” The idea of atheism has been with us for a very long time. The word ‘atheism’ originated back in the 5th century in Greece which stood for ‘without gods or deities’. By the 16th century this term gained immense popularity amongst […]

Finance National

The Future of Gig Economy in India

While the world battles with the pandemic and the economy seem to be slowing down, the gig economy emerges as a silver lining for job seekers, and other workers. India before the pandemic defined “work” with certain definitions and parameters. For example, white-collar jobs (workers working in an office), or blue-collar jobs (workers performing manual […]

Food & Health National

The Battle of Adversaries and Proponents: A Fungi Covid Saga

The covid-19 pandemic has been the lead antagonist since 2019 and the character is not ready to go off-screen but is rather drifting to the dark side that the audience calls the second wave. The scene is set in such a way that the protagonist is the citizens that underestimated the antagonist which led to […]

Food & Health National

Counterfeit Drugs: The Real Enemy of the World

Medicinal drugs are a major part of our world. Ever since the onset of the pandemic, we find ourselves constantly pondering, when are we going to get vaccinated? When can we be immune to this deadly virus? When can we get back to our pre-pandemic lives? Now that we have several vaccines available to combat […]


Perspective: Is our justice system rigged against survivors?

It’s always been all over the news, someone being acquitted against any charges of sexual harassment or assault. Every time, people shame survivors even after they provide enough proof. Why? Is our legal system failing to provide any support to survivors? Does our legal system survive on bribes and corruption? Or do they just not […]

National Politics

The Indira Emergency

“The President has proclaimed emergency, this is nothing to panic about”, the words which marked the start of a dark period, also known as the Indira era but the bigger question is what led to the Era? And why is the dark period? It started with the 1966 assembly elections when Indira Gandhi had just […]

International Others

Cloning: Real Science or Hollywood Fantasy?

Cloning. More than ever, the word stirs feelings and triggers debate; what was once science fiction is becoming a scientific fact. What are researchers working on and why? Do we have anything to attain from their continued efforts? A young American couple, parents of two other healthy children, lost their 10-month old son after a […]