Food & Health National

Counterfeit Drugs: The Real Enemy of the World

Medicinal drugs are a major part of our world. Ever since the onset of the pandemic, we find ourselves constantly pondering, when are we going to get vaccinated? When can we be immune to this deadly virus? When can we get back to our pre-pandemic lives? Now that we have several vaccines available to combat the coronavirus, people need to be aware of the concept of counterfeit drugs.

Counterfeit drugs are essentially falsified or a fake drug which does not serve its purpose. They can be as extreme as substituting sand instead of the actual drug. These are much cheaper than actual drugs which is why they attract the public. The population below the poverty line are usually victims of such illegal activities and it is time to stop such drug syndicates from emerging!

Now, what are the contributing factors to counterfeit drugs? What are the activities that encourage such illegal trading and businesses to flourish? First comes Internet pharmacies: they often cause confusion over which drugs are authentic. Next, the length of the supply chain: A long and convoluted supply chain facilitates the supply of counterfeits- from when a drug is developed in a lab to the time it reaches the hospital or pharmacies, the transportation modes vary which enables illegal activities to take place easily. Lastly, inefficient regulations and inspections make it easier to sell counterfeit drugs for larger profits and minimum penalties.

What is it that makes falsified medicines so terrible for the world? The impact of counterfeit drugs can be divided into two: social impacts and economic impacts. Social impacts involve health issues that arise due to such false drugs. The health impacts are two-fold: either they do not fulfill their purpose of consumption and worsen the patient’s health condition, or may contain harmful ingredients such as floor wax, toxic yellow paint, or powdered cement which have a direct negative effect on a person’s well-being. Economic impact includes wastage of raw materials to pass the fake drug as a real one into the markets. Minimal ingredients are used in counterfeit drugs so it is believed to be a real medicine while in reality, it is not which leads to squandering of available materials. Socio-Economic impact encompasses distrust amongst the public on health officials and administrators.

The Covid-19 pandemic exacerbated the issue of counterfeit drugs. Since the emergence of the coronavirus, there have been umpteen falsified masks, testing kits, and PPE equipment. In March 2020, an investigation conducted by Interpol seized counterfeit pharmaceuticals worth more than $14 million across 90 countries, including counterfeit facemasks, hand sanitizers, and antiviral medication. The global public health crisis has created an increase in demand for illegally produced medicines, as people turn to illegal online pharmacy services for unproven COVID-19 solutions. 

For over a year, we have been living amongst a pandemic and it has stolen a lot from us: be it lives or time and resources. It is time to fight back. Every day, we are coming to a step closer to having our lives back to normal and we cannot let illegal trades alter the path for us. Small steps can be taken by each individual to save the world from falsified medicines. These include raising awareness through social media and newspapers and promoting only authentic news. Let us all work together to save the world from counterfeits. Let us work towards getting back to the pre-covid lifestyle as soon as possible. Let us all work towards saving innocent people from falling for the trap of cheaper medicinal drugs!