
Those days of November in Mumbai

Mumbai is a city that never sleeps or stops, be it the heavy rains in monsoon or dealing with public adversities. This city and its people have always taught the world that one can rise from the worst situations and still thrive. Mumbai, born from seven islands stitched together by the British, grew into a […]


From Blackboards to Budgets: Can India Educate Its Future?

India is a land of great aspirations and equally complicated problems. With 1.4 billion people, this nation is alive. Two-thirds of our population are under thirty-five; half of us are under twenty-five. Our future and indeed that of the world rests on whether we can help convert this demographic output into a dividend or will […]


Freedom of Speech: A Pillar of Democracy or a Double-Edged Sword?

“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” – Voltaire.  Freedom of speech is one such fundamental right in India that has been debated for centuries and is yet under debate. Before we delve into the current standing of this integral fundamental right, it is […]



India is a land of rich heritage and diversity. This is how you might find an Indian describing this beautiful and vast country. On the contrary, “smelly”, “trash everywhere”, “bad roads”, and “extremely populous” are the notions among people from other countries. With the ruthlessness of people on social media these days, you might encounter […]


Point of Order 

India, with its 140 crore citizens, entrusts just 543 individuals responsible for leading and serving the nation. This privilege, however, has come after a long and arduous struggle. When I say struggle, I do not refer solely to India’s freedom movement but also to the challenges—past and present—that elected representatives have faced and continue to […]


Indian Criminal Justice System: Need for change?

The Indian Criminal Justice system has witnessed quite a journey starting from the Arthashastra to the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, the criminal system has traversed through many ups and downs.  Historically, the Indian criminal justice system was governed by ‘dharma’ or what we call ‘righteousness’. The rules of conduct in society were decided based on whether […]


Secularism: The Indian Lens

Secularism is a very famous concept and an ideology followed in many countries including India. The term ‘secular’ originates from the Latin term ‘saeculum’ which refers to a generation or a lifetime. Secularism refers to separating the concept of religion from other aspects of life including cultural, political and traditional aspects. Religion is viewed as […]



Democratic politics began its journey in Athens as a negative voting system wherein eligible voters, mostly landowners, were asked to “elect” citizens to be expelled from the Greek city-state, or punished. Competitive electoral politics took root several centuries later in Europe during the Enlightenment era. The first major country outside Europe to adopt the representative […]


Lights, Camera and Action

“Bade, bade, desho mein, aisi choti choti baatein….” Congratulations if you completed the line! You have managed to be part of this planet’s most iconic entertainment industry, Bollywood!! India is unique in various aspects, be it the food or people. One must also understand that as a country we are a land of emotional beings. […]


Manipur Matters… Just Not Right Now

Manipur is a state in India’s northeastern region, rich in culture and breathtaking views. Which now is  also an epitome of brewing ethnic conflict that leaves policymakers scratching their heads and the rest of us wondering “Is anyone even paying attention?” Manipur’s troubles did not begin yesterday. The roots of the crisis go deep, buried […]